Thank you Johnnie, your words are sweet, just like that cheesecake you painted...In fact both of them are wonderful pictures. The pastel had me fooled, I thought at first it was an oil. I'm sure if I saw it in person it would be easier to tell, but it matters not. It has a remarkable touch and a nice finish. Dustin
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"Inchoate", one of my larger works was selected for the 2006 International ARC Salon.
Ooooo..... That's very Bella.
This is so beautiful! I love your soft colors. You keep me in awe!
Thank you both for the kind words. Dustin
You are on a roll here.
Thank you Johnnie, your words are sweet, just like that cheesecake you painted...In fact both of them are wonderful pictures. The pastel had me fooled, I thought at first it was an oil. I'm sure if I saw it in person it would be easier to tell, but it matters not. It has a remarkable touch and a nice finish. Dustin
good color Dustin
Thanks Paulo.
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